Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Welcome to My First Blog and Sailing Through the Internet!

Sailing through the Internet since 1996 -  Websites, Google, Social Media and Craigslist

The hardest thing for me about starting a blog was figuring out what to name it.  I am still struggling with his and am not sure if "Sailing, Eco, Health Adventures" will be the permanent name or if I should go on to start multiple blogs for different subjects.  Advice from experienced bloggers on this subject would be most appreciated - thank you!  I do know you are supposed to blog about what you know.  Other than my family and friends, sailing, nature and healthly living are my passions, and have existed pretty much my entire life.   Does this make me obsessive?!?  Probably.  But these three passions also cover a range of other subjects as well, for example, music.  What is the best music for sailing?  What is the best music for working out?  What kinds of music will one hear when one is in a new area? 

Being young at heart, energetic, a mom and a woman who loves to learn, I am very interested in young people, education, sports, travel and the arts.  The wide world of sailing actually covers most of these interests as well.   I must admit, as competitive as I am in sailing (except of course, while cruising), I think it is even more important to be competitive in education in our global world today.  I would like to see the USA doing much better in this area than we are at present, ranked something like 20 something in education in the world today.  If all those other countries can do it and are producing better educated young people, we can do it as well!  Look at us, the USA had the wind and water conquered by winning the America's Cup for all those years and conquered space by putting the first man on the moon at the same time.   Both of these achievements involved inspired vision and large investments of time, money and energy.  We can do this again and many are working on it right now.  Sailing can even work hand in hand with better education, as it spans the generations and generally attracts some fairly bright, active people.  There are plenty of "Baby Boomers" in the sailing world and there are also plenty of Gen X'ers,  as well as much younger people who are taking sailing lessons and competing in high school and college sailing on the same page with the land-based sports.    Sailing is also the only truly co-ed sport, which makes it great for girls and boys in lots of ways!

Soon after starting my professional career with the sailing industry in 1996, I began to notice that some of the organizations I worked with, liasoned with or just followed for fun, were quick to harness the amazing power of the internet.  I am very fortunate to know and have worked with some of the top organizations in the sailing and marine industry.  A former employer, Offshore Sailing School, together with its standard bearer, US Sailing Association, had great websites even in the 90's and continues to be on the leading edge today.  Both of these organizations are also wildly successful, which means a lot in the challenging, ever changing world of the sailing industry.  If you depend upon sailing in order to feed your family, employees and to pay the bills - in order to even stay in business - it is critical to be able to look ahead and study the effect of upcoming powerful trends (like the invisible, yet powerful forces of upcoming wind and current on the race course).  As a professional in any industry, one needs to frequently analyze one's current situation while at the same time, scanning the horizon and studying future trends in order to be able to even stay in business, let alone experience amazing success. 

Future blogs will be contain more adventures with "Sailing Through the Internet".  Top Sailing, Ecology and HealthWebsites will be referenced as well as possibly some information on "Internet Stars" like:  Website Creation, Google, EBay, Craigslist, Facebook, Web Coaching, Twitter, Quora and Blogs.  My adventures with and useful information related to sailing, health and nature will be woven in along the way - I promise! Please comment and let me know where your interests lie and if you have questions relating to any of these subjects.   Meanwhile, it's time to get up from the computer, return some phone calls, head out into the sunshine, get some exercise and get back to selling boats and job hunting!

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